Chakra and Reiki Information

Chakra and Reiki Information

Reiki/Chakra Chakras are energy centers in our body that control particular parts of the body. They energize specific organs and bring harmony within the body. If any of these Chakras are blocked, energy cannot flow freely which results in mood swings, poor health, and low motivation. People have used the healing properties of gemstones to clear blockages and heal the body, mind and spirit for centuries. Black Onyx - A strong grounding stone - Helps to defend against negativity that may be directed at the wearer - Helps to relieve negative feelings - Brings self-confidence - Sharpens the senses Hematite - A strong grounding and protecting stone - Balances and harmonizes the mind, body and spirit. Lapis Lazuli - Helps to relieve worries - Increase concentration - Helps to decrease stress and anxiety levels - Helps with aches and pains from the eyes, head, bones, etc. Sodalite - Brings confidence to the shy and timid - Improves courage to those who are oversensitive and defensive - Widens the perspective of the wearer Restore & Rebalance - Your 7 chakras getting you back to your spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically healthy self. 7 Semi-precious stones: Represents the 7 Chakras (Amethyst / Lapis Lazuli / Turquoise/ Imperial Jasper/ Tiger's Eye Stone / Amber / Carnelian) Obsidian teardrop necklace in picture